Having difficulties deciding on the right color for your rug? It's not just you. Choosing the perfect color rug is challenging, especially since it's an investment that will remain in your home for years. The design of a room can be made or broken by a rug. Different rug hues are required for various spaces. Here are some questions and suggestions to guide you in selecting the ideal rug color for your room.

Typically, while choosing rug colors, we think about how those colors would look in a space. Interior designers frequently advise choosing the rug for a room first before selecting the rest of the furnishings. Starting from the bottom up makes the design process easier and more methodical.

If you are choosing a rug for a space where the color scheme has already been decided, then choose an area rug that draws its colors from the walls and furniture. This will result in a pleasing blend of accent colors and neutrals in the rug. Bright colors or deep hues in your rug would create a stunning contrast if all the other elements (walls, ceiling, furniture, and window treatments) are neutrally colored.

1. How does the rug color make the room feel?

The foundation of a room's atmosphere starts with the area rug. A bedroom could need a lighter color rug to feel relaxing to encourage sleep, but a recreational area might need a brighter rug to seem more energizing and vibrant.

Here’s how you can use the rug color to impact the room’s feel:

  • A small space might appear larger when done in light colors. Consider pastel hues, white, or a mix of light and bright colors to create the appearance that space looks larger.
  • Chilly hues like blue, green, and purple or muted hues create a relaxing atmosphere. For this aim, light monochromatic color schemes frequently perform quite well.
  • Colors that are bold and bright provide a feeling of energy. Colors like oranges, reds, or strong lime green can give your home more life.
  • Rich, deep hues give a space a cozy feeling. Try rugs in tones like burgundy, chocolate, or navy for a warm and comfortable family room.

2. Does the rug color blend in with the space?

Finding a rug that fits the room's existing furniture and wall colors can be difficult. But even if everything else is set, you can still pick a stunning rug for your room.

Here’s how you can use the rug’s color to make the room blend together:

  • Pick a rug with the same hues if your space already has a defined color palette.
  • Soft shades of gray and muted tans are the perfect counterpart to brightly colored walls. If your room has warm walls, consider using a soft color rug to guarantee that your visitors' eyes are led to the appropriate area.
  • If your carpet introduces a new accent hue to the space, try including similar accents. A room can feel much more polished by adding accent pieces like throw cushions, wall art, or even a vase in the same color.
  • Rugs with patterns look wonderful in spaces with simple designs. Try to coordinate one of the rug's colors with the pieces of furniture.
  • For rooms with furniture covered in a vibrant pattern, muted colors work best.

Featured collection: The Neutral & Harmonious Collection

3. Can I live with this rug color?

Always choose tones you adore—those that allow you to live happily every day. Consider the areas of your home that delight you every time you walk through the door, the hues that instantly make you feel at peace, and creative inspiration.

Here are some tips to coordinate the mood and hue of the rug’s color:

  • Darker hues are more effective in hiding wood stains. A rug in a dark tone may be a sensible purchase if your home has dark wood flooring.
  • Pick a brighter-colored area rug to go with softer, more mellow walls and furnishings if you want it to be the room's focal point.
  • Bright shades of orange or red frequently complement warmer, gentler wall colors.

Featured collection: The Bold & Bright Collection

Consider each rug in connection to your lifestyle, including your children, pets, how you entertain, and how much foot traffic passes through your house. Pick a rug that will be suitable for your family's needs.

This is a crucial adventure in color & ambiance discovery, but it is incredibly rewarding when you succeed. Whichever color you choose, you will benefit from a lovely area rug in a cozy, welcoming space for a very long time, together with your family and friends.

Not sure where to start? We've assorted our catalog of rugs by color to make your shopping easier. Choose a color that will fill the space and reflect your spirit! Have fun shopping and we'll be here to help every step of the way.