Modern Rugs

Explore our collection of modern rugs at Tabrizi Rugs, where style, quality, and value converge in a specially curated selection. Each rug is a testament to modernity and elegance, meticulously crafted to transform any room. Embracing minimalism, contemporary designs, and bold patterns, our rugs capture the sophisticated charm of modern aesthetics.

The cultural and historical significance of modern rugs can be traced back to 20th-century art movements, notably the Bauhaus school, emphasizing the harmony of form and function. Beyond mere decoration, each rug in our collection reflects the cultural and social transitions of its era. Dive into a diverse range, spanning minimalist to contemporary, Scandinavian to mid-century modern, each rug offering a unique journey of expression and style.

Items 1-27 of 755

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    As low as US$1,048.50 Regular Price US$2,016.00 save 48%
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    As low as US$276.00 Regular Price US$486.00 save 43%
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    As low as US$621.00 Regular Price US$1,191.00 save 48%
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    As low as US$43.50 Regular Price US$81.00 save 46%
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    As low as US$1,273.50 Regular Price US$1,918.50 save 34%