Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We've compiled most of our frequently asked questions below. For any unanswered questions, feel free to reach out to our friendly staff.
Send us an email and let us know how we can help. Please allow 1-2 business days for our response.

+ What sets Tabrizi Rugs apart from other rug retailers?

Tabrizi Rugs has been sharing tradition and crafting excellence for over 30 years. We strive to ensure that every rug we offer captures the essence of both tradition and innovation. Plus, our A+ BBB rating is a testament to our trustworthiness and commitment to customer satisfaction.

+ Why should I choose a rug from Tabrizi?

Every Tabrizi rug carries the personal standard of excellence from Jeff Tabrizi, our visionary founder. We are not just selling rugs; we are offering a legacy of craftsmanship honed over time.

+ Are your rugs ethically sourced and produced?

At Tabrizi Rugs, we prioritize ethical sourcing and production practices. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure they uphold ethical labor standards and sustainable production methods.

+ How secure are my transactions on your site?

Your transactions are processed with bank-grade security, validated by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). We use Bankful for payment processing, ensuring top-notch fraud protection and data security.

+ I need help deciding on a rug. Can you assist me?

We would be happy to help you find your perfect rug with a personalized design consultation. Our team of experts provides free design support, helping you choose the perfect rug for your space, style, and budget. Fill out the form on our website for assistance here: Choosing the right rug

+ What's your policy on returns?

You can return your rug within 30 days of receiving it for a full refund, exchange, or store credit. The rug must be in its original “as new” condition with no signs of usage, damage, or pet hairs. Please read our full refund policy here: Refund Policy

+ Do you have customer reviews I can look at?

Certainly! With over 50,000+ rugs sold, we have received thousands of positive reviews over the years. Check our ratings on platforms like Google, Facebook, Houzz, and Yelp to see feedback from our happy customers. Read some of our five-star reviews here: Testimonials

+ What is your shipping policy for USA?

We are now offering complimentary shipping to Continental USA. Your rug will be shipped securely with a tracking number provided. Please read our policy here: Shipping

+ What is your shipping policy for Canada?

We are now offering complimentary shipping to Provincial Canada. Your rug will be shipped securely with a tracking number provided. Please read our policy here: Shipping

+ I live outside Canada and the USA. Can I order from Tabrizi Rugs?

Definitely. For international orders, please contact us directly and we'll arrange a customized shipping solution for you. Send us an email here:

+ Will I have to pay taxes on my purchase?

For USA orders, we do not collect taxes. The courier may charge you duties, taxes, and/or fees based on your state. For more details, please see the estimates in our shipping policy here.
For Canada orders, we charge taxes based on your province.

+ I am a professional interior designer. Are there any special programs or benefits for me?

Yes, we have a Designer Trade Program that offers exclusive benefits, including professional discounts, dedicated sales support, free shipping, and more. Apply here to be part of this program: Designer Trade Program

+ How do I know what size rug to purchase for my room?

As a general rule, it's essential to maintain a balance between the rug and the room's size. We have a Rug Sizing Guide to help you choose the perfect fit for your space. Read it here: Rug Size Guide

+ How do I care for and maintain my rug?

Proper care ensures the longevity and beauty of your rug. Regular vacuuming, avoiding direct sunlight, and rotating your rug periodically will help maintain its appearance. For spills, blot immediately with a clean cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or saturating the rug. For a detailed guide, check out our Rug Care Tips.

+ Is the color of the rug I see on my screen accurate?

While we strive to display our rugs as accurately as possible, monitor settings and lighting conditions can cause discrepancies in color representation. If you're concerned about a rug's true hue, feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to send you more photos or even a video showcasing the rug’s true colors.

+ What’s the difference between hand-knotted, hand-tufted, and machine-made rugs?

Hand-knotted rugs are crafted by artisans tying each knot by hand, resulting in a durable and intricate design. Hand-tufted rugs involve a tufting gun pushing yarn through a backing, which is then glued to secure the fibers. Machine-made rugs are manufactured on power looms, offering affordability and consistency in design. Each type has its benefits depending on your needs and budget. For more details, check out our guide here: Rug Constructions.

+ How often should I professionally clean my rug?

While regular vacuuming is essential, we recommend a professional cleaning every 1-2 years to remove deep-set dirt, restore the rug's vibrancy, and ensure its longevity. For more details, read about our cleaning process here: Tabrizi’s 8-Step Rug Cleaning Process

+ What's the difference between synthetic and natural fibers in rugs?

Natural fibers like wool, silk, and cotton tend to be more durable, comfortable, and eco-friendly. Synthetic fibers, such as nylon, polyester, and polypropylene, offer stain-resistance and affordability. Each has its advantages and suitability depending on the intended use and budget. Learn more about different rug materials here: Rug Materials Guide.